Consign with Us

Do you have items that you would like to consign with us? Feel free to come by the shop during store hours or you can set up an appointment. We will take a look at what you have and see if it would be a good fit. You can also send us an email with pictures and details of the item and we can give you an idea if it is something that we will take.

Items we take are vintage, antique, new, and used items that could be sold for $20 or more. We prefer that they are in good condition unless it is something very old that holds value. We don't take items that contain vulgar pictures or language or are suggestive in any way. We also don't take furniture or items that are extremely large. If you have any questions about whether it is something that could be consigned just ask. We don't mind checking it out for you.

Once we have determined it is something that could be consigned we will work out what the price will be, sign a contract, and then you can sit back while we find a buyer for your item!

The percentage of what you can make is as follows -

$20-$1000 - 50%/50%

$1000 and above - 60%/40%

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